Review of actual risks related to nuclear power generation [English] – Emmerich Seidelberger, BOKU University, Wien
30 years later: Health effects from Chernobyl [English] – Ian Fairlie PhD, Consultant on Environmental Radioactivity
Audio for the Introductory part of the Conference.
Actual risks related to nuclear power generation in Europe
Risks related to flawed reactor pressure vessels in Belgian nuclear plants [English] – Ilse Tweer, material scientist
Safety risks of NPP Mochovce’s completion [Slovak] – Pavol Široký, Za matku Zem
Safety problems with Generation III reactors: the case of the French EPR [English] – Yves Marignac, WISE Paris
Audio for the Thematic Section I.
Risk prevention and liability for nuclear damages
Results of european stress test [German] – Oda Becker, nuclear safety expert
Nuclear safety directive [English] – Jan Jílek, DG Energy, European Commission
Limited liability for nuclear accidents – rationale, challenges and alternatives [English] – Tobias Heldt, Consultant on European Law
Audio for the Thematic Section II.