Since 2003, Yves Marignac has been the Executive Director of WISE-Paris, an independent non-profit information, study and consultancy agency on nuclear and energy issues. He joined WISE-Paris in 1996 after applied studies on nuclear issues and public debate at Paris-XI university, the French nuclear institute CEA, and a position at the French nuclear company STMI. He has since participated, as a contributor or an advisor, in most of the national consultation processes on nuclear issues. In 1999-2000, he participated in the economic evaluation of the nuclear option commissioned by France’s Prime Minister, which resulted in what became known as the Charpin-Dessus-Pellat report.

In 2005-6, Mr. Marignac was the scientific and technical advisor to the commission running the French national public debate on the Flamanville EPR reactor. In 2012-13, he participated, within the French Environment Minister’s cabinet, in the organisation and coordination of a National Debate on Energy Transition (DNTE).

Yves Marignac is not an economist, but is dedicated to developing a systemic analysis that bridges economic issues with safety, waste management, industrial and energy policies, and is committed to contributing to pluralist expertise as a basis of fair decision-making processes. An active member of independent expert groups Global Chance and négaWatt, he has coordinated the latest sustainable energy scenario.

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